On March 23, 2023, Studio Kami Mandiri proudly welcomed the presence of Field Work Practice (PKL) Supervisors from Dhyana Pura University. This visit became an important moment in the implementation of Field Work Practices (PKL) of students from Dhyana Pura University at Studio Kami Mandiri. Field Work Practice (PKL) is one of the important components in the world of higher education, especially in fields related to direct practice in the field. Through PKL, students have the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned on campus to the industrial world. This provides valuable experience that cannot be gained through classroom learning.
The collaboration between Dhyana Pura University and Studio Kami Mandiri is a real proof of collaboration between the world of education and industry. In this visit, PKL Supervisors were present to ensure that students who undergo PKL at Studio Kami Mandiri get optimal experience in accordance with the established curriculum. The visit of PKL Supervisors on March 23, 2023 involved a number of agendas aimed at ensuring the smoothness and quality of PKL implementation at Studio Kami Mandiri. Some of the activities carried out include:
Evaluation of the Learning Process: PKL Supervisors evaluate the learning process implemented at Studio Kami Mandiri. They provide input and suggestions to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
Monitoring Student Progress: PKL Supervisors meet with students who are undergoing PKL at Studio Kami Mandiri to monitor their progress. Discussions and evaluations are conducted to ensure that students get the maximum benefit from this field experience.
Collaborative Discussions: In a collaborative discussion atmosphere, the supervisors and the management team of Studio Kami Mandiri discuss various aspects related to PKL, including curriculum, learning methods, and preparing students to face challenges in the world of work.
The visit was not only beneficial for the students, but also for Studio Kami Mandiri and Dhyana Pura University. Through dialog and information exchange between education and industry, both parties can enrich each other’s knowledge and experience, creating a better learning environment that is relevant to the demands of the job market. The visit of PKL Supervisors from Dhyana Pura University to Studio Kami Mandiri on March 23, 2023 is a positive step in improving the quality of education and preparing students to face the world of work. Collaboration between university and industry is a strong foundation to create graduates who are ready to face future challenges.