On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, PT Studio Kami Mandiri held a very interesting project discussion with students from Dhyana Pura University. This event is part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture, where students are encouraged to develop skills in the real world of work.
In the discussion, students from Dhyana Pura University’s Faculty of Information Technology presented the idea and concept of an online food ordering application that they developed. The manager of PT Studio Kami Mandiri, Mr. Dwi Martha, was present and provided valuable input and direction.
The two-hour discussion was filled with enthusiastic and productive Q&A sessions. The students asked questions about challenges in application development, marketing strategies, and the latest technology trends that need to be anticipated.
One of the students, expressed his appreciation and happiness for this valuable opportunity. “We feel very lucky to be able to discuss directly with experienced practitioners in the technology industry. The inputs and suggestions given are very useful in developing our project further,” he said.
This event reflects PT Studio Kami Mandiri’s commitment to supporting education and human resource development in the field of information technology. With collaborations like this, it is hoped that there will be a strong synergy between the academic world and industry, so as to produce quality talents who are ready to face the challenges of the digital era.