On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the PT Studio Kami Mandiri team held an internal meeting to prepare for discussions with the Grand Istana Hotel regarding the Membership Application. The meeting was attended by four key employees: Dwi Martha, Dwi Darma, Mila, and Sunia.
The main agenda of the meeting included three important points:
Mobile and Web Application Preparation The team focused on thoroughly testing the Grand Istana Membership mobile and web applications. The aim was to ensure that there were no remaining bugs and that the app would run smoothly during the presentation.
Direct Discussion at Grand Istana Hotel This afternoon meeting will be a crucial moment where the PT Studio Kami Mandiri team will have a direct discussion with the Grand Istana Hotel. The team prepared a convincing presentation strategy and prepared themselves to answer various questions that might arise.
Other Product Submission Plans In addition to discussing the Membership Application, the team also plans to introduce other superior products such as REIS, OMASYS, Digital Signage, and others. This aims to expand the potential for cooperation with Grand Istana Hotel.
The PT Studio Kami Mandiri team emphasized the importance of a structured and professional presentation at the meeting. They hope to demonstrate the company’s excellence and professionalism in providing innovative technology solutions.
With this thorough preparation, PT Studio Kami Mandiri is optimistic that it can provide the best solution for Grand Istana Hotel’s membership system needs and open up a new business opportunity.