On May 29, 2024, the Manager of PT Studio Kami Mandiri, Dwi Martha, held an assistance and discussion session with the mobile programmer team. The main agenda of this meeting was to discuss the latest developments of two main projects, namely the GIRH (Grand Istana Rama Hotel) Web Member Progress and the initial presentation of the REIS (Reservation Integrated System) Web App Project.
Regarding GIRH Web Member Progress, some crucial points discussed include:
Member Page Revision: It was decided to display a list of vouchers owned by members on the Member page. This feature is expected to improve user experience in accessing and utilizing their vouchers.
Minor Revision of Transaction Add Point Page: A number of minor adjustments were made to the Transaction Add Point page to ensure a smooth and intuitive process flow.
Minor Revision of Transaction Redeem Point Page: Similar to the previous point, some minor changes were implemented on the Transaction Redeem Point page to optimize the user experience.
Besides discussing GIRH Web Member Progress, this meeting also became a place for Dwi Martha to present the REIS (Reservation Integrated System) Web App Project. Some of the things discussed in this session include:
REIS explanation: The programmer team was given an overview of the purpose, features, and scope of the REIS Web App Project.
Assignment of REIS PIC (Person in Charge): A discussion was held to determine the team member who would be responsible as the PIC for this project.
Consideration of using Laravel 11: With the recent release of Laravel 11, the team considered using this latest version in the development of REIS. However, further evaluation is needed to check for differences and compatibility with the currently used Laravel 10.
This assistance session and discussion is a proof of PT Studio Kami Mandiri’s commitment in developing the best products and services for brand clients.