On June 26, 2024, representatives from PT Studio Kami Mandiri attended an invitation to the Review of the Education Unit Curriculum with the World of Business and Industry organized by SMK Wira Harapan. Mr. Dwi and Sunia were present as company representatives in the event which aims to align the education curriculum with the latest industry needs.
This activity is a proactive step by SMK Wira Harapan in preparing its students to face the growing demands of the world of work. By inviting practitioners from various industry sectors, including PT Studio Kami Mandiri which is engaged in information technology, SMK Wira Harapan seeks to bridge the gap between education and industry needs.
During the event, Mr. Dwi and Sunia provided valuable input regarding the curriculum and learning materials. Some of the key points conveyed include:
The importance of mastering the latest programming languages
The need for mobile application development skills
Introduction to UI/UX design concepts
The importance of soft skills such as teamwork and project management
Basic understanding of cybersecurity
Feedback from PT Studio Kami Mandiri and other companies present will be taken into consideration for SMK Wira Harapan in developing and updating their curriculum. This is expected to increase the relevance of the education provided and better prepare students to enter the workforce.
PT Studio Kami Mandiri’s involvement in this activity shows the company’s commitment in supporting the development of human resources in the field of information technology. By sharing industry knowledge and experience, the company contributes to forming a generation of IT professionals who are ready to face challenges in the digital era.
Cooperation between educational institutions and the industrial world like this is expected to continue and develop, creating a dynamic educational ecosystem that is responsive to the needs of the labor market. Through this joint effort, it is hoped that graduates will be created who are not only