Flight Schedule TV premieres on October 12, 2024 at Canna Beach Club Bali

Bali, October 12, 2024 – Canna Beach Club Bali officially uses the Flight Schedule TV application. This superior application made by PT Studio Kami Mandiri will be leased for one year to the beach club in order to provide the best service to visitors.

Flight Schedule TV is an android application that provides the latest information about flight schedules around the world. With a user-friendly interface, this application makes it very easy for visitors to Canna Beach Club to get complete information such as departure, arrival, and promotional content from the beach club.

As one of the leading beach clubs in Bali, Canna Beach Club is committed to always providing the best service for visitors. The Flight Schedule TV application will be provided at several strategic points in the beach club area so that visitors can easily access it. This was conveyed by the Operations Manager of Canna Beach Club Bali in his statement regarding the use of this new application.

To ensure the application can be used optimally, PT Studio Kami Mandiri has assigned one of its employees to install and brief the beach club staff. The employee in charge of installing the application reported high enthusiasm from Canna Beach Club in using this service.

Selama satu tahun ke depan, PT Studio Kami Mandiri akan terus memberikan layanan pemeliharaan aplikasi agar tetap berjalan dengan lancar di Canna Beach Club Bali. Kerja sama seperti ini diharapkan dapat terus berlanjut di masa mendatang dengan penyewaan aplikasi andalan PT Studio Kami Mandiri lainnya.